Dress Code at college
It is widely believed that a dress code is important since it promotes professionalism, equality, inclusivity and a brand identity especially at college. Therefore, these aspects may be considered as upsides in the students’ life expressly when they become professional. Having said that, two advantages will be discussed in this. Moreover, in the final section, one of these two will be chosen to be the most significant for a dress code.
Undoubtedly, the first advantage to be discussed is the “Image of collage”. Recently, students have expressed that they are worried about the university’s dress code because some students have seen their classmates not following this code. And the undergraduates are worried due to the fact that according to them wearing formal clothes will help them to be prepared for the work environment and look professional.
Another benefit to be considered is “Discipline”. Implementing a dress code can be important since it may reduce social conflicts among co-workers, promote equality, and improve discipline. Thus, by implementing discipline in a workplace not only will it create a more positive environment, but it will also delete discrimination based on clothing among undergraduate students.
In my view, there can be no doubt that the best advantage that results because of having a dress code in collage is the “image”. A dress code will help convey the institution’s values, which is important for its reputation and encourages students to take it seriously, particularly in their preparation for future workplaces.