Writing an Essay C1 Advanced



Dress Code at college

It is widely believed that a dress code is important since it promotes professionalism, equality, inclusivity and a brand identity especially at college. Therefore, these aspects may be considered as upsides in the students’ life expressly when they become professional. Having said that, two advantages will be discussed in this. Moreover, in the final section, one of these two will be chosen to be the most significant for a dress code.

Undoubtedly, the first advantage to be discussed is the “Image of collage”. Recently, students have expressed that they are worried about the university’s dress code because some students have seen their classmates not following this code. And the undergraduates are worried due to the fact that according to them wearing formal clothes will help them to be prepared for the work environment and look professional.

Another benefit to be considered is “Discipline”. Implementing a dress code can be important since it may reduce social conflicts among co-workers, promote equality, and improve discipline. Thus, by implementing discipline in a workplace not only will it create a more positive environment, but it will also delete discrimination based on clothing among undergraduate students.

In my view, there can be no doubt that the best advantage that results because of having a dress code in collage is the “image”. A dress code will help convey the institution’s values, which is important for its reputation and encourages students to take it seriously, particularly in their preparation for future workplaces.



Writing a Proposal C1 Advanced



New career services: a proposal


The main purpose of this proposal is to outline the new careers service for juveniles in the city. As well as mentioning the working hours and providing information regarding the type of shifts they will be able to work. Furthermore, in the final section some suggestions will be discussed.

Office schedule

There is no doubt that the office schedule should be considered since young people are interested in working at offices, as for them it is comfortable and near their school. And as the offices are close to the schools, they will be able to assist various departments from 11:30 am to 08:00 pm to learn the different focuses and objectives that each one fulfills.

Providing future information

Flyers will be distributed to students while they are visiting the offices. These will help them to understand the differences between choosing higher education, part-time or temporary. Thus, not only will pupils have access to the information provided, but they will also be able to ask questions to the office staff if they do not find the information needed.


The following measures must be implemented:

1) It is suggested that the office staff should be there in order to answer any concern that students may have during visits.

2) There should be professionals visiting schools and providing all the necessary information and benefits about either going to higher education or having a part-time or temporary job.

Having outlined the suggestions, I am sure that if these are implemented the students would be benefited from this new career service.


Review C1

Trolls 3: Band together

Do you like animated movies that are for parents and children? Do you like musicals that make you remember your childhood or just make you dance as soon as the music starts? Well, let me tell you about a movie that combines all these aspects. The movie that I’m going to talk about is Trolls 3: Band together

This movie was produced by DreamWorks and premiered in November 2023. The movie follows the story of the trolls Poppy and Branch who were contacted by Branch’s oldest brother to rescue their bother named Floid who was kidnapped by the siblings Velvet and Veneer. The film’s voice cast is amazing as it has great actors and singers like Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Camila Cabello, Kenan Thompson, among others. And even though you can’t see their faces (as it’s an animated movie) you can notice their emotions and feelings through their voice. For instance, when they feel sad, frustrated, angry, jubilant, etc.

I must say that one of the things that I enjoyed and love about this movie was the musical part. Why did I love and enjoy it? Because not only songs from the 70s’ and 80’s were sung, but also there were original songs for the movie. And these songs make you want to dance, sing and at the same time, make you remember your childhood (in the case of the parents). However, one of the drawbacks of the movie were the jokes. Although the film was created for children, some jokes were especially for the parents, so the children don’t laugh as they do not understand them.

Having said that, I strongly encourage you to watch this movie with your family, friends or even by yourself if you want to. I’m telling you, you will not regret it even if you don’t like musicals or animated movies or both.


Speaking practice


In this homework I had to answer the following questions:n this homework I had to answer the following questions:

1. What advantages might there be in living with a grandparent?2. Do you think it might be easier to live with someone older orsomeone younger than you? Why?3. Is it better to live in a large family or a small family? Why?/Why not?

Report C1 Advanced

Language learning report


The principal purpose of this report is to provide a description of my experience of learning languages by mentioning the language I know and how I learnt them, which my strengths and weaknesses are and my intention with them in the future. Moreover, at the end of this report, there will be some recommendations on how to continue learning a language.


Languages learnt and Methodology

I have been learning since I was a child. The first language that I learnt was Spanish, the second one was English and currently, I am learning French. I have to say that these three have something in common and that is the method that I used to study them. For instance, with music, some TV shows and books (for the writing skill).


Strengths and weaknesses

Through my experience, I have realized that my strengths are speaking, and listening since it is easy for me to understand the language by listening to people talking and by having conversations with them. Nevertheless, my weaknesses are reading and writing. In both cases, they are difficult as I tend to read to fast and sometimes I forget how to write the words.

Uses for the future

As far as I am concerned, I am going to use my Spanish to talk with the people who are around me due to the fact that I live in Chile. For English, I am going to teach it in the classroom. And for French, I am going to use it to communicate with French people while I am visiting the county.


Taking all the factors mentioned before, I strongly recommend you to learn a language since having a good command of the language will help you in the future. Moreover, I suggest you start by watching TV shows, listening to music, reading books, and so forth. And try to practice it with a partner so you receive feedback.

How To Teach A Foreign Language: 3 Creative Ways Of Teaching