I have loved English since I was a little kid. My love for English started with “Walt Disney Magic English” DVD’s, I learned the basic vocabulary (animals, family, food, numbers, and colors) with the songs, games, and world play. I also learned and I am still learning English by listening to music (like Owl City, Miranda Cosgrove, and Conor Maynard) and TV series (like Once upon a time, Brooklyn Nine-Nine). When I am listening a song or I watch a TV Serie, I do two things. First, I try to understand the meaning of the song or the dialogue’s character with all the vocabulary and grammar that I have learned in my life. And second, when I don’t know the meaning of a word, an idiom or a phrasal verb, I look at the dictionary so, in that way I can understand much better the song or what the characters are saying in the TV Serie. These are the reasons of why I wanted to study an English career.
I chose “English Pedagogy”, because I love teaching English, I feel incredibly happy when I teach English to my neighbors’ son. Being honest at first, I didn’t want to study “English pedagogy”, because I was afraid of not teaching the topics well. But one day something happened, that thought changed, and changed when my neighbors asked me if I could teach English to their son. I accepted their request. When I finished study with him, I felt happy, because he told me: “Thanks for teaching me English, I could understand every topic that we review”, I felt so happy just after he told me that. A few hours later, I realized that I wanted to study for being an English teacher. So that is the reason why I chose “English pedagogy” for my future.
My experience at the university is different because of the COVID-19, what I’m trying to say, is because of this virus, I couldn’t meet my classmates, my teachers and go to the university, in spite of this situation, university implemented online class, that means that we can attend to classes at home, instead of going to university and spread us the COVID-19. Online classes at this moment are fine, maybe is not like being at the university with your teacher and classmates, but at least is something. You can learn the topics as you do in the classroom. In this semester all the teachers helped me to improve my English, for example in:
Use of English: in this subject I could improve and review the topics that learned at school, at the English Institute and in Cambridge. She is a very good teacher; her methodology is good; her classes are interesting and fun when sometimes she dived us in groups. The homework that she gave us in this semester it wasn’t difficult, and it help you to practice the grammar.
Phonetics: in this subject, I could continue improving my pronunciation. Before study phonetics my pronunciation it was good, but now it is a little bit better, especially with consonants. The teacher teaches very good, it easy to understand the topics. The homework that he gave us this semester it was fun; it was fun to record the audios from the flatmates dialogues. It helped me to improve my pronunciation, my fluent, and my classmates also helped me with that, with their feedbacks.
Listening & Speaking: for me listening and speaking is the easiest subject in the career, that is because I grew up with listening English music and TV series and I repeated the dialogues or the lyrics songs to practice my speaking, on occasions my aunt corrected me, and as a result of that, this subject is easy for me. The videos that the teacher showed in the class were easy to understand. And with the speaking part she asked us to interact with another classmate, from the topic that we were reviewing.
Writing: in my opinion writing is a little bit difficult, for the reason that at school, my teacher never asked us to write a paragraph or an essay, but with this teacher I think my writing is getting better. Is easy to understand the topics, also the homework was easy. I think the last thing helped me to improve my English.
Reading: before to get into the university, my reading comprehension it was not so good, but now that I am at the university is better, thanks for the teacher. He teaches the reading comprehension skills easily, and the texts that he chooses are as easy to understand as the socrative’s activities, both are according to level of the English 1.
In my point of view, I can say from what I wrote before my strength are Phonetics, Listening, Speaking and Use of English, but not because these four subjects are my strength, I am not keep improve them, in fact I’m keeping improve them, when I practice English with my friends, family and classmates. My weaknesses are Writing and Reading. For example, in writing, my problem is with punctuations, because sometimes I forget when goes semicolons or ends periods; the same happens when I know the pronunciation of a word, but I forget the spelling of that word. Now talking about Reading, my problem is that I didn’t use to read books at school, but in this year I’m improving my reading comprehension with a book it name is “Go Down Together: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde”, it was written by Jeff Guinn. Is a great book, interesting and is helping me with my reading comprehension.
Despite all this situation, nothing will stop me to study what I love. I know in the future, when I finish the career, I will teach to my future students all the skills that I will have learned at the university.
So, to concluding my first self- assessment I can say English is my life, I cannot see myself without this language. English makes me who I am. I feel so happy when I speak English, and someone understand what I am trying to say. And I can see my self in the future as teacher.