Creative Social Awareness Campaign Poster

This homework has two parts; the 1st part was to create a Creative Social Awareness Campaign Poster and the 2nd part was to respond two questions.

1st part:


2nd part:

Which Campaign is the most creative campaign?

A: The most creative campaign is the “Campaign against War in Iraq”. I know that the camping is showing a sad situation, but in my opinion is like a creative way to show us what is going on in Iraq, the way how people is dying.

Which campaign had an impact on you? Why?

A: The campaign had an impact on me was “Campaign against Landmines”. It’s a depressed camping. I felt sad in the moment that I barely saw it. I have never seen a camping like that one before. I don’t think I can eat one of them, because if I ate, I would imagine that it would be the blood of dead people.


Audio Upload 7: “Episode 61: A difficult conversation”

Audio 1

Fernanda S: Helen

Sofía G: Michal

Script 2

Fernanda S: Michal

Sofía G: Helen

Helen: Hi Michal, what are you doing on the computer? Let’s see. One ticket to Poland! Michal, what’s going on?
Michal: Helen, we have to talk about everything! We need to talk about love, commitment, family and about dads.
Helen: Dad? What did he say to you in the garden? You’ve been acting all funny since we got back from that visit.
Michal: No, Helen not your dad, my dad. He’s had a heart attack.
Helen: Oh, that’s awful. So that’s why you are flying over to visit him. How long are you going for?
Michal: Helen, it’s a one-way ticket I’ve booked; I’m going back to Poland for good.

When I was a child…

My story begins on October 7th, 2012. It was a cloudy and rainy day. Me and father went to the capital Santiago. We left the house early due to the rain. We did not have any problem on the way to capital. My father drove to Santiago meanwhile I was listening to music to calm down myself. He took me to Santiago for a concert the “Teens Live Festival”. Three boybands performance that day (Airbag, The Wanted and Big Time Rush), but I only wanted to see my favorite boyband Big Time Rush. I knew the boyband The Wanted, but I preferred to see Big Time Rush. I remember that I was so nervous because I had never been in a concert before. It took place at the Movistar Arena. When we arrived at the Movistar Arena, I had to wait like for 1 hour to get into it. I remember that My father was as nervous as I owing to it was my first concert and, he could not buy a ticket due to the tickets were too expensive. Something funny happened that day I almost split just after getting into the Movistar. I did not know where the door section was, then I saw the door and here is the funny thing I forgot that it was raining, and I was running to the door as a consequence I almost split, some girl caught me. Afterwards I found my spot, I called my father immediately. I told him: “Father don’t worry, I am okey, I found my spot”. He answered me: “Okey Fer thanks for letting me know, I was getting worried about you”. The concert started at 8:00 pm. The first band was Airbag. Then the second band was The Wanted. The concert was finished by Big Time Rush. I sang all their songs, I screamed a lot of good things of course, like thanks you for coming, you are the best, while they were singing and dancing their songs. The concert finished at 1:00 am, but it worth it.

And that the story of my first concert.

“My goals, challenges and expectations for language 2”

When I read “My Language 1: Self-Assessment” again I could notice two things: the 1st thing is that I’m still in love with this career, English Pedagogy. I know is early what I am saying but is the truth I want to be an English Teacher for the rest of my life. I see myself working as teacher and only in that, nothing else. Teaching is my passion; I see that when sometimes I have to teach to the kids of my neighborhood. The 2ndthing is that my first semester was a little bit difficult, because I didn’t get used to online classes, but now I am. I think my 1st semester my teachers helped me to progress in the subjects Reading and Writing. Also, they taught me somethings that I didn’t know in English, for example how to transcript words, or how to describe a photo properly. Thanks to them I could finish my first semester very well, with good grades.

For this 2nd semester I hope to do it much better than the last semester. I want to learn more thing in all the subjects. Keeping progress with my English, and for that I’ll practicing with my friends, my family, listening music, watching videos in English without the subtitles (I only put the subtitles when I do not understand the dialogue), when I have a question I’m going to ask my teachers about anything, and I know they are going to answer me the questions. I know that because they want to help with everything.

My goal for this semester is to balance my weaknesses (Reading and Writing) with my strengths (Use of English, Phonetics, Listening & Speaking). In my point of view if I balance my weaknesses with my strengths, I’ll be able to progress my English with no doubts, with no fear to make any mistakes. If I complete that I’ll be more confident with my self when I use my English.

I have two challenges for this semester the 1st one is to write an essay, description (of something or someone), a story without mistakes, what I’m trying to say is write something with the correct punctuation. I think punctuation is very important, considering if I write something and I don’t write it properly, the person who will read that can misunderstand the main idea. The 2nd one is to read a book, a letter, the news and understand all the idioms, phrasal verbs, so I can comprehend the text and the main idea.

My expectation is to finish this semester like the last one with good grades, new knowledge. I want to speak English without being nervous on a Speaking test. Also, I hope to complete my goals and challenges at the end of the semester, considering this is so important to me. English is my life. I can’t live without it.

To concluding this, I’ll finish with this phrase: “Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching”. Buddha said it. This makes sense to me and I connected with my studies and future. I will never stop learning English and how to be a teacher. Life always teaches something new, a new experience, moreover I’m going to use that experience to be a better teacher, also I’m going to use it to keep improving my English, in its skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing).