When I was a child…

My story begins on October 7th, 2012. It was a cloudy and rainy day. Me and father went to the capital Santiago. We left the house early due to the rain. We did not have any problem on the way to capital. My father drove to Santiago meanwhile I was listening to music to calm down myself. He took me to Santiago for a concert the “Teens Live Festival”. Three boybands performance that day (Airbag, The Wanted and Big Time Rush), but I only wanted to see my favorite boyband Big Time Rush. I knew the boyband The Wanted, but I preferred to see Big Time Rush. I remember that I was so nervous because I had never been in a concert before. It took place at the Movistar Arena. When we arrived at the Movistar Arena, I had to wait like for 1 hour to get into it. I remember that My father was as nervous as I owing to it was my first concert and, he could not buy a ticket due to the tickets were too expensive. Something funny happened that day I almost split just after getting into the Movistar. I did not know where the door section was, then I saw the door and here is the funny thing I forgot that it was raining, and I was running to the door as a consequence I almost split, some girl caught me. Afterwards I found my spot, I called my father immediately. I told him: “Father don’t worry, I am okey, I found my spot”. He answered me: “Okey Fer thanks for letting me know, I was getting worried about you”. The concert started at 8:00 pm. The first band was Airbag. Then the second band was The Wanted. The concert was finished by Big Time Rush. I sang all their songs, I screamed a lot of good things of course, like thanks you for coming, you are the best, while they were singing and dancing their songs. The concert finished at 1:00 am, but it worth it.

And that the story of my first concert.

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