Before you start reading this post, I would like to talk about a little bit of this semester. My experience with these 4 semester was the best because I finally could go to the university, have classes in there. I could meet most of my classmates (some of them couldn’t go to the university since they live far away from it). The classmates who I met are friendly and sympathetic. In addition, I could meet my teachers. I met teacher Flora Mandiola (form Reading & Writing), Jaime Pizarro (from phonetics) and teacher Edgardo Aragú (from Listening & Speaking). However, I only had classes with teacher Jaime Pizarro, the rest of the teacher I met them because our schedule coincided.
Now this post is about “My Language Self-assessment 4” and is related to my goals, challenges, and expectations for this semester, especially for English 4. I have to say I could complete my goal, challenge (this was completed by a 70%), and expectations for this semester. I only had 1 goal and challenge and 2 expectations.
My goal was to learn new vocabulary. This semester I memorized new concepts from different units:“Wealth distribution”, “tolerance”, “images & appearances” and “sexuality”. For example, the words I learnt from the unit wealth distribution were 2: commodity and wealth. From the unit tolerance the words I learn was 1: bias. From the unit images & appearances was only 1 word: body positivity. And in the unit sexuality were 2 concepts: gender identity and sexual orientation.
My challenge was to write something without any mistake. This was a difficult challenge because I must recognize that is a little bit difficult to write something in English for me since sometimes, I forget how to write a word in English, which happens by the reason of having good listening skills and in English when you pronounce a word most of the time you don’t write it as you pronounce it. In my opinion, for the future I’ll just have to learn the punctuation rules, read more in English, I can practice my writing skills by doing the writing parts of a FCE and then showing what I wrote to an English teacher so, he or she can tell my progress.
My expectations were 2: finishing the semester with good marks and new knowledge. For the first part, I finished with good mark. I’m going to say that at the begging of this semester I didn’t have the best grade, but with effort I could have higher grades at the end of this semester. For the second expectation for example, in teacher Jaime’s class (phonetics) I could learn the different types and functions of the English intonation. In use of English (teacher Jaime’s class also), I was able to go deeper with Relative clauses. In teacher Edgardo (Listening & Speaking) and Flora’s class (Reading & Writing) I could learn the new concepts that I told you before.
To finish this Self-Assessment, I feel immensely proud of myself even though it wasn’t easy at first, but if we put effort to our studies, we can catch our goals and challenges. That’s what I did to get good marks and learn the new vocabulary. I would like to finish with quote: “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, but it will be worth it” by Arthur L. Williams, Jr. My father always says that to me and thanks to that quote I could pass this semester.